Neurodiversity Week was started by high school student Siena Castellon to make a more inclusive school environment for Neurodiverse students. Over 1000 schools are participating this year!
REEL would like to celebrate Neurodiversity Week with you by asking that you do just one thing - forward one 2e resource to an educator in your child's life!
Ideas of things to send to your educators:
REEL articles: Intro to 2e One Pager, Is Your Child Twice-Exceptional Checklist, Living and Learning 2e Teen Voices, How Public Schools Can Support 2e Learners
REEL videos: Ever Had a Kid Like Me? , What is 2e and the DEAR REEL Model
Recommend a free registration to 2e News
Videos: Dan Peters Giftedness, Talent, and Disability, Seth Perler What is 2e Kid, Aurora Public Schools 2e Learners
Books to buy or recommend for your classroom or library , Emily Kircher Morris Teaching Twice Exceptional Learners and Neurodiversity Affirming Schools
Connect REEL with your school for educator professional development
If everyone does just one thing, together we will make a big impact. Let us know what one thing you did this week in the comments below or on our social media!
"By acknowledging and celebrating the strengths of neurodiverse students, we can begin the seismic shift of changing the way students with special needs are perceived and treated at school and also the change the way neurodivergent students feel about themselves."