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You Don't Have to Do it All! Valid Reasons for Saying “No”
Lital encouraged parents to slow down when deciding which services and therapies are truly the best fit for their child and family.
Local Youth Raises Funds and Awareness for REEL
REEL is incredibly moved by the dedication of a local 8th grader in supporting our work. In the 2023-24 school year, Yaniv reached out to...
Cultivating Strengths: A New Era for Twice-Exceptional Learners
We are amid a recultivation in the ever-evolving ecology of education, particularly for twice-exceptional (2e) students. An ecosystem...
Oh no! Homework! Tips for Reducing Power Struggles Over the Dreaded H-word
In the spring, I did a talk for REEL called “Reduce Power Struggles with Your 2e Kid.” When parents shared their most common power...
Quick tips from experts on our most requested 2e topics
REEL has been hosting expert speakers for our parent community since 2019. Recently, we collected the recordings of six or our talks, and...
Twice Exceptional: Bridges to Opportunity
This is the second in a series from our guest blogger, Barbara Pape, Senior Director of the Digital Promise® Learner Variability Project,...
Twice Exceptional: History & Barriers
We at REEL are excited to collaborate with Barbara Pape, Senior Director of the Digital Promise® Learner Variability Project, as a guest...
A Message to My Fellow 8th Grade Graduates
Salutations and greetings to my fellow 8th grade graduates: my name is Finn and - just like you - I will never stop learning. Even from...
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