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REEL Presents Intro to 2e to PAUSD Ed Specialists
REEL Presents Intro to 2e to PAUSD Ed Specialists

REEL Presents Intro to 2e to PAUSD Ed Specialists

Explore strategies to turn these kids into your most memorable students - for GOOD reasons!

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Time & Location

05 feb 2020, 7:00 p.m.


About the event

On 2/5, REEL presented Intro to 2e - Understanding Smart & Struggling Students to all of the elementary Ed Specialists of PAUSD.

The founders of Resilience and Engagement for Every  Learner (REEL) as well as parents of twice exceptional (2e)  kids, present an interactive overview of 2e - what it is, why it  matters, and effective approaches for supporting 2e learners. 2e  students experience both high ability and learning challenges, which  presents unique challenges in the classroom, including asynchronous  development that may lead to anxiety and behavior issues. Explore strategies to turn these kids into your most memorable students - for GOOD reasons!

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