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Selected Video Game Design Summer Programs
Video game design and development is a popular interest for 2e students. REEL community member Helen Amick complied this great list of...

More than Giving Tuesday
Yesterday, I sat down to look at my calendar. As a new nonprofit, we at REEL have been planning for Giving Tuesday for over a month. But...

The 5 elements of a successful classroom environment
Successful classroom environments are not born; they are made. They have been intentionally designed to address many different aspects of...

2e Private School Panel 2022
On Thursday, Oct 13, 2022, REEL hosted a panel of parents with kids who have attended both private and public schools as well as...

The Down Low on School Accommodations (or how to keep your sanity when advocating for your 2e child)
Hey Fellow Parent! Have you ever wondered what it is about school accommodations that make them such a touchy subject? I mean, until my...

Advocating for Neurodivergent Learners: What I Learned This Summer
One of REEL's Summer 2022 interns, Nora, focused on developing an advocacy playbook to help REEL learn more about navigating legislative...

Ever Had a Kid Like Me?
Do you have a child or student who is clearly bright but has behaviors that confuse you? This past summer, three students from a local...

How Murder Saved Math
Or, how I learned to stop doing worksheets and love math A twice-exceptional high schooler recently completed an assignment to write a...
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